6-8F,204Bldg, No.2 Industry
Area Nanyou, Nanshan, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, China
Postal Coad: 518054
Tel: 86-755-26648868
Fax: 86-755-26406755/26403047
Our business success is distinguished by: Service, Product & People.
企业成功的标志:重服务,精产品,优员工 |
A. Service 服务
The long term commitment from our customers and employees are proof of the satisfaction and appreciation of our service.
We add innovation and excellence to every aspect.
开拓创新,追求卓越,尽善尽美是我们服务的出发点。 客户和员工的长期认可是对我们服务欣赏和满意的试金石。 |
Open communication, continuous learning and valuing others are our core values. 坦诚交流,不断学习,尊重他人是我们的核心价值观。 |
B. Product 产品
We have the simple philosophy to serve our customers with the best garments at reasonable rates. 物美价廉是我们服务客户的宗旨。 |
We constantly adjust our business to external forces and stand out through a competitive advantage in the commoditized marketplace. 随机应变,适时调整,脱颖而出是我们立足日新月异的商品化市场的基石。 |
C. People 员工
Lucky Top is like a family – we know that we can only fulfill our dreams with the help of our competent, disciplined and motivated employees. 运高大家如小家 – 大家的成长离不开小家的辛勤努力,唯有员工强干、自律、进取,方能助运高实现梦想。 |
Our aim is to create a great value for customers, communities and our staff in order to comply with our social responsibility. 为社会,为客户,为员工创造伟大价值,履行社会责任是我们永无止境的奋斗目标。 |